Field of Confusion

2019 - ongoing

“Field of Confusion” is an ongoing series of typography based posters. They revolve around themes such as art history, pop culture and natural science. These areas are of great interest to me and the posters servers as a casual way to engage with these subjects. Needless to say I’m not a professional in any of these areas therefore, the posters could be thought of as a kind of fan art. Fan art is usually considered a fringe phenomenon not worthy of serious creative effort, but maybe it can be a legitimate form of artistic expression? Maybe the fact that I am an amataur to these areas opens up some interesting possibilities of misunderstandings and misinterpretations leading to new and (arguably confusing) connections. Maybe the great strength of being a professional designer is that you can engage with other subjects as a complete amateur in a somewhat authoritative way? The artist is always expected to be a mad man…