Graphic design for the four part documentary series “Nielsen” directed by Cæcilie Østerby Sørensen. The series follows the artist and author Claus Beck-Nielsen and the development of his monumental project “Das Beckwerk”. “Das Beckwerk” explores themes as nationality, identity and authorship through performances, happenings, interventions, novels and even a trial. Over the 10 years in which the project takes place Claus Beck-Nielsen is dissolving his own identity to merge completely with “Das Beckwerk”.
A central theme to Cæcilie Østerby Sørensens documentary series is how complete this transformation from a person to a brand really is. The graphic design tries in a very literal way to illustrate this dualistic and often fluctuating relationship between the person Claus Beck-Nielsen and the project “Das Beckwerk”. On the poster the name of the series “Nielsen” is depicted in various forms. Sometimes the name is almost complete and other times only a single letter appears. This concept is also extended to the logos of the institutions involved in the bottom of the poster. For the intro sequence detached letters appears only to form the full name in the end. The typeface “Minion” is used for titles and subs. “Minion” is often used in novels and function as a reference to the literary foundation of “Das Beckwerk”. A mini website was also created, coded by David Udsen. “Nielsen” premiered at CPH:DOX in november 2015